Saturday, January 17, 2009

I know it's been along time since I've blogged. John is now semi-retired. (HA-HA) He has purchased another coffee shop in River Falls. We are expecting another Grand child in April, plus lambs, I bred 2 ewes to a really nice ram. Can't wait to see what we get. Brooklyn is now 5 and Britta is 2 They keep up really happy. John is still town Chairman for Rock Elm Township. Today was Caucus. He got nominated again. We are busier now than we have ever been. I've been spinning alot of wool which is really fun. I'm starting a little yarn and craft shop in Kinni Lounge in River Falls.
I lost a Peacock in the cold weather. I'm really upset about it because of what I went through to save that egg that became that peacock. I'll tell the story later.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Welcome back to Blogland, Jane!